Friday, January 16, 2009

Still Here...

It has been so long since I have posted... Christmas has come and gone, and a new year with new re-solutions and new adventures is upon us. It is late and we had a great day at OMSI and I am tired and Kruse has basketball pictures at 7:30 am on Saturday!!! Seriously, they are 5!!! I only have a few Christmas pics on the computer and it seems like so long ago but for my loved ones stretched from Hawaii to North and South Carolina, these are for you:

and a little wrestling

And as I sit here freezing cold with the obnoxious sound of the fan on the fireplace trying desperately to warm a house that has had no fire or heat all day and the stench of dusty baseboard heat lingering from attempting to remove the chill from the kids room's I can only think of one thing...

Yes, those are hot Leonard's malasadas, yes, Shane and I ate the whole box, yes, I will be in Hawaii in 6 weeks, yes, I am running 3 miles a day in preparation, and yes, this is the only picture of both Shane and I last time we were in Hawaii...

Yes, I can endure 6 more weeks of fire building for this!


Beth said...

Malia! I'm so glad you're back!!! So excited you get to go to Hawaii! Are the kids going too? Can't wait to hear more about what you have been up to!

Unknown said...

hot Leonard's what??

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're back. I'm glad someone else gets the joy of early early mornig sporting event activities besides me. Are you really running 3 miles. I need to get my butt off the couch. Love ya, Toni
p.s. Chris updated our blog before Christmas if you wanted to check it out.

Anonymous said...

Hey Malia,

I kept checking and checking and you finally posted! It is great to see the pics although I am terribly jealous about the Hawaii stuff!! I made our version of "malasadas" for Maren's report on Portugal so it was cool to show her what real ones look like. Love you sis, Kek

Angela said...

I am so sad we were not there at the same time!
Have so much fun! And I cant wait to hear about it! And yes make sure your straps are very secure! :)