Thursday, April 8, 2010


We are here at the guest house. It's like a scene from a movie....dark and humid, we are all sitting at a long table with candles and a lantern as our only light. Our rooms are simple and clean and I will sleep my first night under a mosquito net, can't wait! We are enjoying this night of beauty before we leave these walls and go to our first orphanage tomorrow and see the little faces that have called us here.

Thank you Mrs. Bittner's 2nd grade class for your notes, we loved them! And girls I have not cheated and am only reading my notes on the days you told me to...i love them and you, thanks. Hopefully we will have wifi tomorrow and show you pictures of Alice's orphanage and Katie.

I miss you and love you.

Here is some links to where we are staying and going:

1st night

2nd, 3rd night

4th night youtube at canaans

rest of time

Korah city dump we will be here for 1 day


the Skips said...

Malia, not sure if you can see these comments where you are...but thanks for posting today! I've been waiting! AHHHHH, can't believe you are there. Hope the flight was good. To God be the glory!

Unknown said...

malia! i can't get you off of my mind and heart! i just read your blog for the first time yesterday although jenny told me you were going to uganda. my heart is heavy and i am moved, inspired, sad and can't wait to hear what God is doing! please know i am praying for you. God is good! carin palmer

Unknown said...

Malia, I have your kids with me and we read your blog (I screened it first) and the kids wanted to say:
Maris, "love ya mom!"
Hope, "thank you mom..for writing on your blog!"
Kruse, "can't wait for you to see those little faces!"

I'm so glad you made it there safe..and Toni must have found her way...yay! :0) So excited you are there for God to work and for you to be changed forever! We are holding you and the team up in prayer daily. God be with you friend! -mon

vonsbug said...

Malia..praying for you guys. So excited and expecting great things. And yes, Hope is snapping pictures everywhere!!

Love and Blessings,

Kela said...

Hi Malia. Just want to let you know that I love you so very much and am SO incredibly proud of my little sister. You are in our thoughts and prayers every night. Katheryn hopes that each day is "the best day ever!!" Can't wait to see the pictures and hear the stories.

love you - Kela

the andersens said...

Malia girl! So great to hear from you!!!! We are prayin' & prayin' - wondering at random times what you're doing and seeing and what God is saying to you in those moments. Hugs from your homies here!!

Rik no Blog said...

Faria sentido se eu entendesse!