Sunday, May 2, 2010

Why are we still here?

The night that the reality of the situation hit me and I knew that my 11 day mission trip was turning out to be a 3 week mission trip I was praying in my creaky bunk bed before falling asleep asking God, why are we still here? What do you still have for us? His whisper filled my heart, you have seen the depravity, the depths of the need, the brokenness. Now I want you to see My Glory. I saw myself kneeling at His throne, not completely sure what it meant but fell asleep satisfied with His answer. I began to look for it, His glory. Before I saw the injustice, the despair, the image of Christ searching for food at a dump but then I then began to see. It was in the laughter of children playing games, in the sound of pepsi and fanta bottles clanking in cheers, it was in the firmness of Bakuset’s grip on my arm and the gentleness of Mesret’s hand in mine. It was in the way Fitsum looked at Tracey and the way Toni looked at Mahalet. It was in the sound of Pastor Anthony’s voice praising God in a language I did not understand, in Sammy feeding a leper who had no hands, letting him lick enjera off his own fingers. It was in the worship, songs sung with joy and dancing. It was in the eyes of a mother knowing that HIV would take her life and wanting to give her daughter a life she couldn’t give. It was in the eyes of the chosen parents as they tried to understand this kind of love. It was in the laughter over Laurie’s stories, keeping our hearts from breaking. It was in the men of Korah as they love these children, in Busy’s sincerity, in Mike’s gratefulness, in Mastwell’s smile. It was in the homes of Korah, they lacked running water, doors, windows, light, space, decorations…but there was no lack of His glory. It was in the way they welcomed us in, having us sit with them. It was in the strength of their will and the wetness of tears on my cheeks. It was in the jewelry shoved on my fingers, wrists, and even in my ears, the gifts from those who have nothing. And most of all it was in the words of Aster, as she attempted to comfort me, laying her hand on her chest and said, Jesus love. I thought poverty consumed Korah but I was wrong, it is the glory of God.


Anonymous said...

malia,thank you for putting it in words. I have been trying to share w/ the people that i love that it isn't despair we saw in the kids eyes and have not come up w/ explaination of what it was and you summed it all up. Thanks Toni

the andersens said...

amazing Malia.....truly a glimple of our awesome God that some of us have never seen. whoa. i'm thanks you found the words to share with all of us.


Rik no Blog said...

Faria sentido se eu entendesse!