Monday, October 27, 2008

A Hero's Welcome Part 2

Last week we were given the opportunity to thank two more American Heroes for their sacrifice and service to us and our country. Not long after we began praying for "Kate's Dad" we added "Anson's Dad" from Hope's class, to our prayers. Jess was also deployed to Iraq and we along with several classes at school and other families committed to pray for him every night. Then we added another dad from Hope's class, "Natalie's Dad" to our prayers, Lance was stationed in Afghanistan.

Jess was due to be home in the Fall and the last time I talked to Kellie she was hoping Lance would be home for the holidays. Then I was at school a few weeks ago and I had just found out that Jess was in San Diego and I looked up and there was Lance!! I cannot tell you the excitement of our prayers that night as we thanked the Lord for bringing home "Kate's Dad, Anson's Dad, and Natalie's Dad". It has been over a year since we began praying for these men and their families and I was as thrilled as the kids!! Of course you know what this means... a party!! (I have decided that I am God's personal party planner!)

This time we invited the whole school since Lance has kids in 4 year old preschool and first grade and all those now second graders had been praying for so long. It was an incredible night that I really can't describe. We had wonderful food and fellowship with almost 100 people!! The goal was to bless those men who have blessed us and I think we accomplished that. I talked to the teachers and the Four year old class said the Pledge of Allegiance, the Kindergarten sang God Bless America, and the 1st and 2nd graders sang My Country Tis of Thee. We watched a short slide show that Lance brought home from Afghanistan with pictures of the children and the harsh landscape of that country and then his sweet daughter shared her vision of helping those in Afghanistan...more on that later. Then we watched one of my favorite songs, "If I die before you wake" and then Shane led us in some worship. My favorite part of the night was when the entire room applauded all three men that we have defended in prayer for so long, Stephen, Jess, and Lance. It was beautiful and perfect and again I feel privileged to be a part of saying thank you!

"If I Die Before You Wake" by Dusty Evans

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Hero's Welcome Part 1

Over a year ago our family committed to praying every night for “Kate’s Dad” aka Captain Stephen B. while he was deployed in Iraq. Every night at bedtime we would lift up our soldiers “especially Kate’s Dad” to the Lord asking for their safety, physically and spiritually. There was not a night that we did not pray…literally. If the kids were tired and I thought a short prayer without the soldiers, children of Uganda, Haiti and Zimbabwe was too much the kids would absolutely not let me say good night until we prayed properly.
I had never met Stephen, but when he came home in May I felt the Lord telling me that I needed to throw him a welcome home party…so I called in the troops and we organized a “Hero's Welcome” from the First grade class and the Teachers at our school. I called my friend the fabulous Chris F. to cater the event and decorated the backyard with red, white, and blue. I talked to Mrs. R about the kids doing a special presentation, (they did a wonderful job) and asked Shane to lead us in a few worship songs. We thanked Stephen and his family for their sacrifice and his service and we praised God for the answer to all of the families of our schools prayers to bring him home safely. It was a beautiful night and I was privileged to be a part of it. It was a small gesture from those that he had served to give up one night to say a simple thank you. Thank you for giving up a year of soccer games, movie nights, his children's birthdays, Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas Morning, date nights with his wife, and all the little moments that we can take for granted so that we would not miss those precious moments with our own families. Thank you for risking everything you hold dear for a cause bigger yourself. Thank you for being an American Hero.

John 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends."

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


This is the face my daughter makes right before she says, "Oh Joppins!" It is a word that she made up months ago and uses it in place of phrases like "Oh gosh" or "Oh man" I wish you could hear her as you are not quite sure if it should be spelled "Oh Choppins" or with a J. It's hilarious and I crack up every time she says it which of course means we hear it even more...Oh Joppins!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Can you even believe these pics? My friend Cherrie of Tucker Bleu Photography had Kruse, Hope and I practice poses for her at the park today and lucky me I get these out of it!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Last Time...

The last time I was in Washington D.C. the Twin Towers were still standing, the Pentagon had no memorial, the Shanksville countryside had not yet been the burial for some of the first heroes of a war that our country did not seek out.

The last time I went to Arlington Cemetery there was not a section dedicated to the lives lost in Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom. The last time I walked through the thousands of white headstones I did not see a fresh mound of dirt with the wreaths of a recent funeral still standing and parents saying a final farewell to their child. The last time I was their I did not hear a mother tell her son to go find Daddy and give him a kiss and look up to see a 4 year old boy kissing one of these white tombstones.

The last time I was in Arlington Jen and Shane weren't married, they hadn't even met. They hadn't fallen in love via email and phone calls while he was deployed in Afghanistan. They hadn't gotten engaged and then married on the beautiful Kona coast. He hadn't been deployed two months after their fairy tale wedding to Iraq. The last time I was in Arlington there was no headstone that said Captain Shane T. Adcock, May 24, 1979 - October 11, 2006. The last time I was there I did not kneel down before a headstone and promise that I would never forget his sacrifice, that I would tell my children of his bravery, that I would continue to pray for his wife, that I would relish the freedom he fought for.

In loving memory of Captain Shane T. Adcock, we will never forget...

October 12, 2007
Shane,It's been a year since you went to your home in heaven above,
Yet not one day since you left has the world not felt your love.
Your love for your country, family, and friends, but most importantly God,
For the path you chose on which you gave your life on the land you trod.
To say that you made a difference just doesn't seem enough,
So let me tell you how you changed the path of one of us.
When I see a soldier now I always say a prayer,
That God will keep him safe from harm and let him know we care.
When I see the beauty that surrounds me everyday,
I stop and thank God for the blessings that He has sent my way.
When I look at my three sons and the freedom that they share,
I am humbled by the sacrifice of soldiers to keep freedom there.
These soldiers don't even know my sons yet they fight for their right to be free,
How special these brave young heroes are that they give so unselfishly.
Soldiers who, just like you, knew it from the start,
That they were destined to be soldiers because of their compassionate hearts.
Shane, I promise to always remember the sacrifice that you gave,
The countless lives for our country and for God that you sought to save,
I'll remember what you told my Daddy when he said, "Shane, keep your head down low,"
You said, "Uncle Tommy, I'm not worried because if I die then I know where I'll go."
So Shane as you're exploring Heaven way up there,
Could you give Granddaddy and Grandma Barnes a hug and let them know I care?
And until we meet again in that Celestial sky,
I will watch for rainbows and know that you're close by.

(Taken from Guest Book)

Friday, October 3, 2008

I Love Kids...

I had the privilege of speaking in chapel last week at the kid's school. I shared about Hope's adoption and how God has adopted all of us into His forever family. Following chapel many kids have come home to their parents and said, "did you know Hope was adopted"? I love it! They are truly colorblind.