Last week I had the incredible privilege to meet two strong, courageous, humble, and beautiful women. Shared Hope International held an event in town and there was no way I was going to miss it! First I met Linda, the president and founder of SHI, she was all that I hoped she would be and more. The work of SHI and how far reaching throughout the world that it is truly amazes me. I feel like we were given so much information that I can't possibly sum it up in a short post so I will hit some highlights but it would be well worth your while to check out their website at . First I loved Linda's passion. This is a woman who was literally placed by God into this position to change the world. She told us that she did not even run for Congress in Washington, her name was written in on the ballot and she was elected. She did no campaigning, spent no money to be elected, it was a placement that God had planned for her. From that position she has done incredible things for those bought and sold into sexual slavery and human trafficking. Her love and compassion for God's children oozed and she told stories of the horrors that she had witnessed and how God's love and Villages of Hope were bringing healing to hundreds. She was also able to show us a video of a undercover investigation that resulted in the arrest of two men selling a 13 year old for sex in Jamaica. Her passion was palpable as she explained that the work of SHI was a part of both the seller and the buyers receiving jail time. Even here in America they found in their undercover operations that the 13 to 15 year old girls will be arrested and the men that paid money to buy them were let go!! Unbelievable, as if the girls are at fault. We also saw footage of American truck stops being places where pimps bring their girls to be sold, 80% of these girls are on the missing and exploited list. This is in our country! We were blown away.
Next we met Renu. There are no words to describe the feeling of watching this beautiful, quiet young woman tell her story of being sold to a brothel in India from her home in Nepal by her adopted brother!! She went to visit him in the town that he was going to college in and she said he bought her a glass of juice at a restaurant...3 days later she woke up in a brothel. Although she attempted to refuse being a prostitute, ultimately there is no choice. Someone from Teen Challenge in Bombay led her to the Lord and she began to pray to God to help her to leave. In a way that only He can God answered Renu's prayer and the owner of the brothel accepted Christ and gave her money to travel home to her family. Unfortunately the stigma associated with her life in the brothel caused people to cross the street when she was near and to have no contact with her, as if it was her choice. She decided to call the number that was given to her by someone at the Teen Challenge, which ended up being her first contact with SHI, but not before she saw her brother who had sold her and stolen her childhood, her innocence, her dreams, and her life to that point. She said he turned white when he saw her and she said, "I forgive you". I was and still am in awe of Renu. She rocked my world in her next sentence, if Christ has forgiven me how could I not forgive him. Everything in me wants to justify hatred, anger, and disgust for this man and yet there stood Renu humbly and gently asking, how could I not? Moments in time, this is certainly another one for me, when my world view is broadened and the awe that I have for my Savior is ignited through His daughter. Renu sees her life as Joseph, what satan intended for evil, God has used for the good. Renu now works with SHI and she counsels young women rescued from the life she once lived. Linda asked her how she counsels them, and in her simple way she said, "I tell them my story."
This is I Am Sister, this is where we war for our sisters in bonds, this is where we do not accept this reality and we find a way big or small to do something to help organizations like SHI to fight the injustice and most of all to lovingly rescue and restore these children and young women who live a nightmare that we cannot come close to comprehending. This is where we do not just get uncomfortable at the thought and look the other way but we hear and respond and obey. We have seen His glory, we know this King and the same God who held Renu every night, who pursued her with His love, He who rescued now asks Whom shall I send? Here am I! Send me.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
No Picture With This Post!
What I am about to share will reveal my selfishness, I apologize. Although reading this blog may appear that I am a good person, I'm not. I am a sinner saved by grace. I am reminded of this on a daily basis as I battle with renegade thoughts and with sudden urges to eat anything with a hint of sugar, exhibiting no self control. However, if this blog is to be a catalyst for genuine dialogue and a place for authentic community which is relevant and engaging in today's culture, encouraging us to carpe diem I must admit that I am indeed, imperfect. (Sorry, I couldn't resist)
Ok, enough of that, here is my story. Awhile a go the Lord gave me an idea to do something, which I did. It was kind of a big deal and a lot of work and I enjoyed it immensely and was extremely happy to do it and it went better than planned and I was overjoyed. The day after, which by the way is always the worst day for me, I received a call from a friend that was there and was super excited along with me and we were talking about it and they said, did everyone know that you did all this because I thought it was weird that nobody thanked you. The seed of discontent was planted. A little later I was on the phone with Cherrie wanting her to send me pictures of the night and she told me that she would send them and apologized that there were no pictures of me or Shane because she only had one card and erased us to take more pictures. I hung up irritated. Not one measly picture of me? I did my hair and wore fancy clothes, seriously not one single picture. So I go to take a shower and am really annoyed, no picture, no thank you...what the heck? Emotions began to flow and I am in the shower talking to God and am basically throwing a tantrum. "Lord, can I just get a little glory here, I mean I orchestrated this whole thing and I got no recognition, other people get glory for stuff, why can't I get some glory?" He answers, You don't like those people... It's true, I don't. "Well can I at least have one picture then!!!!???" Ok are you even ready for how God responded...feel my hands grabbing your arms, my eyes are wide and you can feel my excitement, ready? "Well can I at least have one picture then?!"...He answers, "I have your picture". Silence, my anger completely evaporated. He has my picture, can any glory from man, any thank you on earth compare to that statement, He has my picture. The God of the universe, Creator, Redeemer, King of Kings has my picture. I sat down (finally figured out why there is that seat in the shower) and cried. I was overwhelmed by His presence, and humbled by His love. It is for Him alone that I serve and He is proud of me and I wanted more than that, can you even imagine? I am a sinner saved by grace, undeserving of love of this magnitude. I get goose bumps every time I think about it. Do all things as unto the Lord, I did it for Him and He has my picture and that is enough.
Ok, enough of that, here is my story. Awhile a go the Lord gave me an idea to do something, which I did. It was kind of a big deal and a lot of work and I enjoyed it immensely and was extremely happy to do it and it went better than planned and I was overjoyed. The day after, which by the way is always the worst day for me, I received a call from a friend that was there and was super excited along with me and we were talking about it and they said, did everyone know that you did all this because I thought it was weird that nobody thanked you. The seed of discontent was planted. A little later I was on the phone with Cherrie wanting her to send me pictures of the night and she told me that she would send them and apologized that there were no pictures of me or Shane because she only had one card and erased us to take more pictures. I hung up irritated. Not one measly picture of me? I did my hair and wore fancy clothes, seriously not one single picture. So I go to take a shower and am really annoyed, no picture, no thank you...what the heck? Emotions began to flow and I am in the shower talking to God and am basically throwing a tantrum. "Lord, can I just get a little glory here, I mean I orchestrated this whole thing and I got no recognition, other people get glory for stuff, why can't I get some glory?" He answers, You don't like those people... It's true, I don't. "Well can I at least have one picture then!!!!???" Ok are you even ready for how God responded...feel my hands grabbing your arms, my eyes are wide and you can feel my excitement, ready? "Well can I at least have one picture then?!"...He answers, "I have your picture". Silence, my anger completely evaporated. He has my picture, can any glory from man, any thank you on earth compare to that statement, He has my picture. The God of the universe, Creator, Redeemer, King of Kings has my picture. I sat down (finally figured out why there is that seat in the shower) and cried. I was overwhelmed by His presence, and humbled by His love. It is for Him alone that I serve and He is proud of me and I wanted more than that, can you even imagine? I am a sinner saved by grace, undeserving of love of this magnitude. I get goose bumps every time I think about it. Do all things as unto the Lord, I did it for Him and He has my picture and that is enough.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Ummm...... yeah on my way to pick Hope up from school to go to Rotary today the magnitude of the meeting hit me and for a second I thought I was going to throw up!! I apologize for starting with that sentence, but it's true:)
So as Cynthia told her fellow Rotarian's "she brought in the big guns today". Hope was dressed in her beautiful green sweater and I actually used hair product, wore eye shadow, and heels!! We brought our best smiles and two picture albums... on the way there (at first Hope thought we were going to Haiti, little miscommunication) Hope said she only wanted to tell the people one thing. I said, ok honey what are you going to say?, "I'm from Haiti and you tell them everything else." So that was the plan and she did well, by the way she also said that she was four, her name was Hope, she was hungry, this is boring, when are we going to go home, etc. Anyways Cynthia introduced us and we showed our picture albums and talked a little bit about Hinche, about how Haiti was hit by 4 hurricanes, the desperate need for water, how wonderful Lavaud is, and how excited we were to do something in Hope's homeland. Cynthia shared all her facts from Lavaud, the requirements that he meets, etc. There are many needs throughout the world, we are well aware of this fact. Most projects brought up dealt with water, either wells or purification systems. It is difficult to want them to choose Haiti while recognizing there is need everywhere, but I was praying like mad that they would. When it was time to vote I did not look anyone in the eye, knowing I could not hide my disappointment, as they went around the table I looked up at Cynthia and saw the tears in her eyes, I mouthed is that a yes and she nodded that it was!!! Now there is one more vote to be taken on the 9th of December, so keep praying, but it looks very good that Hinche will in fact receive multiple wells!
I am still in shock about the whole event and just so thankful that God allows us to be a part of His plan. One thing I know, I'm going to be there to see the faces of the children as they hold a cup of clear, safe water. I wish I could see Lavaud's face when he reads his email tonight!
I have been struck with the sovereignty of God today. Thinking of all the paths that have led us to this moment. It truly all began in the middle of the night in October of 2001 as I was up with Maris and God led me to a photo listing of children in Haiti and I knew in my heart that we would adopt our daughter from Haiti. And then I think to last Christmas when Maris wanted to build a well, and how God brought a new focus for our family in service to Him. Then I thought of all the times that I have missed moments that could have led to "wells". How many times have I lacked faith and said things like, "No honey it's too much money" and not responded to the conviction I felt after I said those words. How many opportunities missed because I did not step out in faith? It is humbling and overwhelming and makes me want to be so attentive to the nudges of the Holy Spirit because we could have truly missed all of this! I cannot wait to see where the Lord leads and am so privileged to be His child and to hold His hand and follow Him.
Thanks for your prayers,
So as Cynthia told her fellow Rotarian's "she brought in the big guns today". Hope was dressed in her beautiful green sweater and I actually used hair product, wore eye shadow, and heels!! We brought our best smiles and two picture albums... on the way there (at first Hope thought we were going to Haiti, little miscommunication) Hope said she only wanted to tell the people one thing. I said, ok honey what are you going to say?, "I'm from Haiti and you tell them everything else." So that was the plan and she did well, by the way she also said that she was four, her name was Hope, she was hungry, this is boring, when are we going to go home, etc. Anyways Cynthia introduced us and we showed our picture albums and talked a little bit about Hinche, about how Haiti was hit by 4 hurricanes, the desperate need for water, how wonderful Lavaud is, and how excited we were to do something in Hope's homeland. Cynthia shared all her facts from Lavaud, the requirements that he meets, etc. There are many needs throughout the world, we are well aware of this fact. Most projects brought up dealt with water, either wells or purification systems. It is difficult to want them to choose Haiti while recognizing there is need everywhere, but I was praying like mad that they would. When it was time to vote I did not look anyone in the eye, knowing I could not hide my disappointment, as they went around the table I looked up at Cynthia and saw the tears in her eyes, I mouthed is that a yes and she nodded that it was!!! Now there is one more vote to be taken on the 9th of December, so keep praying, but it looks very good that Hinche will in fact receive multiple wells!
I am still in shock about the whole event and just so thankful that God allows us to be a part of His plan. One thing I know, I'm going to be there to see the faces of the children as they hold a cup of clear, safe water. I wish I could see Lavaud's face when he reads his email tonight!
I have been struck with the sovereignty of God today. Thinking of all the paths that have led us to this moment. It truly all began in the middle of the night in October of 2001 as I was up with Maris and God led me to a photo listing of children in Haiti and I knew in my heart that we would adopt our daughter from Haiti. And then I think to last Christmas when Maris wanted to build a well, and how God brought a new focus for our family in service to Him. Then I thought of all the times that I have missed moments that could have led to "wells". How many times have I lacked faith and said things like, "No honey it's too much money" and not responded to the conviction I felt after I said those words. How many opportunities missed because I did not step out in faith? It is humbling and overwhelming and makes me want to be so attentive to the nudges of the Holy Spirit because we could have truly missed all of this! I cannot wait to see where the Lord leads and am so privileged to be His child and to hold His hand and follow Him.
Thanks for your prayers,
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Okay this is soooo very exciting!!! So I mentioned that Cynthia, my mother-in-law, joined Rotary and took us to their weekly lunch to share about the wellbox. It was great to learn more about their incredible organization and we even raised over a hundred dollars while we were there!! Well Cynthia is becoming more involved and has joined an international board and she nominated Pastor Lavaud to receive a well. Today we found out that it could be MULTIPLE wells!! This is beyond incredible... can you feel my excitement right now? I can only begin to imagine the impact that this will make for the people of Hinche. Hope and I are going to go to the lunch tomorrw and do what we can to sway the vote:) I pulled out my photo album from our trip so they can see the beauty as well as the desperation in the faces of the children. Please pray with us for this miracle and life changing opportunity for the homeland of my precious daughter. They vote tomorrow at 11:00, the prayer of a righteous man is both powerful and effective!!
By the way in case you missed it, Extreme Home Makeover featured a family who adopted 5 boys from Haiti, and 3 from the inner city, and had 3 biological boys... that's 11 boys!! It was a great story and good to see Haiti talked about, you can watch it at if you missed it.
By the way in case you missed it, Extreme Home Makeover featured a family who adopted 5 boys from Haiti, and 3 from the inner city, and had 3 biological boys... that's 11 boys!! It was a great story and good to see Haiti talked about, you can watch it at if you missed it.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Holding on to a Promise
Mission Accomplished
Kellie and I had so much fun watching our girls go shopping for the troops in Afghanistan. Our focus of the trip was to purchase items for the soldiers new Media Room which was built to boost the morale of the soldiers. We started at Target and did not get past the $1 spot without filling the cart half full with movie theater size candies! We also got popcorn and plastic popcorn containers as well as the game Scene It for the soldiers to play in their new Media Room. I have to applaud Target because when we told them why we were buying $200 worth of candy and games they gave us 10% off!! And the two ladies behind us in line thanked us for what we were doing for our troops, I told them that Lauren's dad had just returned home she looked at Lauren and told her to tell her dad, Thank you! I love it when strangers unite in support of our military. We then headed to the $ store to purchase more candy, but also toys, balls, stuffed animals, pens, and notebooks for the soldiers to hand out to the children trying to just be children in the midst of war. We took a picture of the girls with some of their haul and are now working on raising some money to help send it to Afghanistan. We are going to have a special chapel at the kids school on the 24th and pray over everything being sent. Again I am blessed to be a part of a community who loves with actions and steps out to do what God is calling us to do. It is in these small things that God does such big and powerful things and I am so excited knowing that He will bless His children with something as seemingly insignificant as a box of M & M's !!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
What's Next for the Well Box
We have wondered for awhile what direction God would lead us in next following the purchase of our well... should we raise money for another well or do something different? I have just been patiently waiting for God to show us, knowing that in His perfect time He would, and He did through another child! The morning of our Hero's Welcome Miss Lauren, Lance's daughter, asked me if she could tell everyone that came that night about her idea to send stuff to the soldiers stationed in Afghanistan and to the children of Afghanistan. The moment she said it I thought of Damaris and her vision for the well and I knew that this would be our next adventure. The Well Box had a surplus of $250 as Rick and Cherrie had slipped a check in the box without me knowing! We used some of the money for the party but the rest will be spent on our new mission.

I wish I had a video of Lauren on this night. As you can see by the proud look on her father's face she did a wonderful job sharing her idea with all of us. Damaris and I and Lauren and her mom, Kelli, are going to go shopping with our extra money and bless our service men and women as well as the children who are living in a war torn country.
One more thing, after I knew this was what was next for us I put it together that when God gave me the vision for "I am mother, sister, friend" raising money for the well fulfilled I am Mother, and this new adventure fulfills I am Friend! I was reminded that having big dreams and vision is wonderful but I cannot wait for the miracle, "I need to be the miracle"(Pastor Bob). My greatest desire and prayer is that I AM will happen but I need to do what I can where I am at, with what I have now in this moment.
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