Monday, November 24, 2008

No Picture With This Post!

What I am about to share will reveal my selfishness, I apologize. Although reading this blog may appear that I am a good person, I'm not. I am a sinner saved by grace. I am reminded of this on a daily basis as I battle with renegade thoughts and with sudden urges to eat anything with a hint of sugar, exhibiting no self control. However, if this blog is to be a catalyst for genuine dialogue and a place for authentic community which is relevant and engaging in today's culture, encouraging us to carpe diem I must admit that I am indeed, imperfect. (Sorry, I couldn't resist)
Ok, enough of that, here is my story. Awhile a go the Lord gave me an idea to do something, which I did. It was kind of a big deal and a lot of work and I enjoyed it immensely and was extremely happy to do it and it went better than planned and I was overjoyed. The day after, which by the way is always the worst day for me, I received a call from a friend that was there and was super excited along with me and we were talking about it and they said, did everyone know that you did all this because I thought it was weird that nobody thanked you. The seed of discontent was planted. A little later I was on the phone with Cherrie wanting her to send me pictures of the night and she told me that she would send them and apologized that there were no pictures of me or Shane because she only had one card and erased us to take more pictures. I hung up irritated. Not one measly picture of me? I did my hair and wore fancy clothes, seriously not one single picture. So I go to take a shower and am really annoyed, no picture, no thank you...what the heck? Emotions began to flow and I am in the shower talking to God and am basically throwing a tantrum. "Lord, can I just get a little glory here, I mean I orchestrated this whole thing and I got no recognition, other people get glory for stuff, why can't I get some glory?" He answers, You don't like those people... It's true, I don't. "Well can I at least have one picture then!!!!???" Ok are you even ready for how God responded...feel my hands grabbing your arms, my eyes are wide and you can feel my excitement, ready? "Well can I at least have one picture then?!"...He answers, "I have your picture". Silence, my anger completely evaporated. He has my picture, can any glory from man, any thank you on earth compare to that statement, He has my picture. The God of the universe, Creator, Redeemer, King of Kings has my picture. I sat down (finally figured out why there is that seat in the shower) and cried. I was overwhelmed by His presence, and humbled by His love. It is for Him alone that I serve and He is proud of me and I wanted more than that, can you even imagine? I am a sinner saved by grace, undeserving of love of this magnitude. I get goose bumps every time I think about it. Do all things as unto the Lord, I did it for Him and He has my picture and that is enough.


Anonymous said...

glad you shared this! I love how the Lord works. His picture of us is the best picture of all. He sees us exactly the way we are, and loves us anyway. And his digital memory card has no limits, it holds endless amounts of megapixels.........
I heart you,

Anonymous said...

It's so interesting to think how we can allow other people's comments, even when meant well, can rob us of freedom. I've had that happen so many times... I will have peace about a situation, and then, because of someone "defending" me about a minor injustice, I become a mess about it. It's almost like being a prisoner to self pity and bitterness.

Great reminder Malia... way to be a catalyst for us all and share your authentic heart!! :) JenJen