Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Ummm...... yeah on my way to pick Hope up from school to go to Rotary today the magnitude of the meeting hit me and for a second I thought I was going to throw up!! I apologize for starting with that sentence, but it's true:)
So as Cynthia told her fellow Rotarian's "she brought in the big guns today". Hope was dressed in her beautiful green sweater and I actually used hair product, wore eye shadow, and heels!! We brought our best smiles and two picture albums... on the way there (at first Hope thought we were going to Haiti, little miscommunication) Hope said she only wanted to tell the people one thing. I said, ok honey what are you going to say?, "I'm from Haiti and you tell them everything else." So that was the plan and she did well, by the way she also said that she was four, her name was Hope, she was hungry, this is boring, when are we going to go home, etc. Anyways Cynthia introduced us and we showed our picture albums and talked a little bit about Hinche, about how Haiti was hit by 4 hurricanes, the desperate need for water, how wonderful Lavaud is, and how excited we were to do something in Hope's homeland. Cynthia shared all her facts from Lavaud, the requirements that he meets, etc. There are many needs throughout the world, we are well aware of this fact. Most projects brought up dealt with water, either wells or purification systems. It is difficult to want them to choose Haiti while recognizing there is need everywhere, but I was praying like mad that they would. When it was time to vote I did not look anyone in the eye, knowing I could not hide my disappointment, as they went around the table I looked up at Cynthia and saw the tears in her eyes, I mouthed is that a yes and she nodded that it was!!! Now there is one more vote to be taken on the 9th of December, so keep praying, but it looks very good that Hinche will in fact receive multiple wells!

I am still in shock about the whole event and just so thankful that God allows us to be a part of His plan. One thing I know, I'm going to be there to see the faces of the children as they hold a cup of clear, safe water. I wish I could see Lavaud's face when he reads his email tonight!

I have been struck with the sovereignty of God today. Thinking of all the paths that have led us to this moment. It truly all began in the middle of the night in October of 2001 as I was up with Maris and God led me to a photo listing of children in Haiti and I knew in my heart that we would adopt our daughter from Haiti. And then I think to last Christmas when Maris wanted to build a well, and how God brought a new focus for our family in service to Him. Then I thought of all the times that I have missed moments that could have led to "wells". How many times have I lacked faith and said things like, "No honey it's too much money" and not responded to the conviction I felt after I said those words. How many opportunities missed because I did not step out in faith? It is humbling and overwhelming and makes me want to be so attentive to the nudges of the Holy Spirit because we could have truly missed all of this! I cannot wait to see where the Lord leads and am so privileged to be His child and to hold His hand and follow Him.

Thanks for your prayers,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am in awe.