Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mission Accomplished

Kellie and I had so much fun watching our girls go shopping for the troops in Afghanistan. Our focus of the trip was to purchase items for the soldiers new Media Room which was built to boost the morale of the soldiers. We started at Target and did not get past the $1 spot without filling the cart half full with movie theater size candies! We also got popcorn and plastic popcorn containers as well as the game Scene It for the soldiers to play in their new Media Room. I have to applaud Target because when we told them why we were buying $200 worth of candy and games they gave us 10% off!! And the two ladies behind us in line thanked us for what we were doing for our troops, I told them that Lauren's dad had just returned home she looked at Lauren and told her to tell her dad, Thank you! I love it when strangers unite in support of our military. We then headed to the $ store to purchase more candy, but also toys, balls, stuffed animals, pens, and notebooks for the soldiers to hand out to the children trying to just be children in the midst of war. We took a picture of the girls with some of their haul and are now working on raising some money to help send it to Afghanistan. We are going to have a special chapel at the kids school on the 24th and pray over everything being sent. Again I am blessed to be a part of a community who loves with actions and steps out to do what God is calling us to do. It is in these small things that God does such big and powerful things and I am so excited knowing that He will bless His children with something as seemingly insignificant as a box of M & M's !!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

way to go!